Saturday, July 20, 2019

Radio and Music

Just not at the same time. It's been a while, hasn't it? You probably thought I had died. Actually, you probably didn't think about me at all. That's OK. I do enough of that for both of us. I might have mentioned (or might not, and I'm too lazy to look) that I work at WFLA radio in Tampa, and have since 2016, actually. I write and read newscasts on weekends, with the luxury of showing up in my gym clothes. I fill in during the week, which is where this behind-the-scenes look at me reading a newscast this week came from.

The schedule leaves me free for what I call my mid-life crisis of trying to make a go of making music, where I write and sing songs under the name John Allen James. Here's my song "Let Me Down Easy," which I figure came out OK, since if I play it without identifying it as one of mine, people will often ask who wrote it, surprised that it was me.

That song came from an album I released last year called "Fire Sky".

The >>| icon in the player will forward you to the next song. You can also hear the album on your favorite streaming service. Just search for "John Allen James Fire Sky" and it will come up.

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