Sunday, March 30, 2008

Need Practice

John McQuiston Photograph
This gecko was kind enough to pose for me, which gave me numerous attempts to get the framing right, or at least the way I wanted it, which may be different than getting it right. Otherwise recent photo shoots have not yielded many results worth public display. Like anything else, photography skill takes practice to develop and I'm not putting enough time and effort into it to see the improvement that I want.

I didn't forget the copyright notice; I didn't think any of these were worth stealing. In my defense, I shot these -- except the red rose -- in a quick lap around the USF Botanical Gardens in Tampa Saturday before a worker shooed me out at closing time. The rose I shot at my parents' house. It came from a bouquet my mother had.

I'm not as obsessed with flowers as it might appear looking through the pictures I post here. I'm not even trying to impress a girl! I do like how colorful flowers are but I shoot a lot of plants mainly because they sit still for me. Except when there's a breeze, which seems to be every time I shoot. Of course.

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