Sunday, May 31, 2009

Always Bring Your Camera

Not long ago someone started a photography meetup group near me. I've gone to a couple of meetings ("My name is John and I'm a photoholic.") and yesterday went on my first group shoot at Medard Park in Hillsborough County.

The member who suggested the location warned of the "carnivorous" mosquitoes. Bug spray kept them at bay but did nothing to repel the flies, which plague parts of the park where people fish.

Those places are also where the birds hang out, looking to scavenge a free meal.

Strangely, the birds were camera shy. I'd get one in sight and as soon as I pointed my lens at it, it would fly off. I wonder what it looked like to them. A couple of alligators floated along in the lake. They reminded me of the several baby gators I saw sunning themselves Friday while playing golf, one of which I kneeled down only three feet away from. I didn't have a camera with me then. I'd brought it to the course with me but left it in the car because it was supposed to rain.

Which, of course, it did not.

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