Last Sunday (or maybe the Sunday before, I can't remember, it's just the way time's going right now) I did venture out to a county nature preserve area near me called The Kitchen. It had been months since I'd been there and that meant treading through months of unchecked vegetation. They don't mow nature preserves?
I didn't see much of interest and for a while it looked as though all I would have to show for the trip were the mosquito bites. Unless, of course, all that ivy brushing against me turned out to be poisonous. I had slathered bug spray on my bare skin, which meant only that the mosquitoes would have to access my blood through my clothing. The itching on my back told me that this was not much of an obstacle.
Off a tall blade of grass I saw what looked like debris blowing in the breeze that comes off the bay. A little closer it looked like it might have been a butterfly. If so, it was probably dead, hanging limply as it was.
When I went up to it, I saw some movement. Then I noticed something else: It wasn't a butterfly; it was two of them. Together. Mating. I took some pictures before the pair flew off. Actually, only one of them flew; the other merely hung on for the ride.
They didn't go far before landing again. I approached slowly and snapped some more shots. The following image may not be suitable for younger viewers.

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